At the TFO, we believe that all people, their culture, and their art contribute to the meaning and understanding of our humanity and should be honored and celebrated. As musicians, we play a unique role in witnessing, demonstrating, and providing inspiration to resolve societal inequity and injustice. As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “music is the universal language of mankind,” and we are afforded the opportunity of communicating across social differences with our music.
One of the best things about the Taneycomo Festival Orchestra is the deeply bonded and diverse community it has created. Our love for each other and the music we make is fierce and isn't something that can be shattered as long as we continue to love and support each other. The TFO will always strive to be a safe place for musicians and artists regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, religion, and other differences. We are a family, a group of people with something beautiful in common.
In consideration of these sentiments, any form of discrimination (spoken, violent, or otherwise) towards musicians, board members, staff, volunteers (hosts, meal providers, etc.), or audience members for their race, nationality, gender, sexuality, religion, or other social differences will not be tolerated. Any person who engages in such behaviors will be removed from his/her position with the TFO and not permitted to attend any future TFO events.